Adventures Of Hana

Adventures Of Hana

Friday, August 30, 2013

Life as an RP student

I am a year one student studying Integrated Events Management in Republic Polytechnic. As I have mentioned earlier..I wanted to do Apparel Design & Merchandising in Temasek Polytechnic but I did not end up taking that.(the cut off points was 15,I got 19. I know I could've done much better..but that year was a year with too many bad things occurring and too many distractions) . Putting that aside, I am truly happy with where I am aim is to achieve great results..

I love RP a of the reasons..this time round no popularity..laying real low..people do know me..just not a lot. I have my own group of friends..I love them to thing I don't quite kinda the system..the problem based learning is cool..the daily quiz is also ok..but the Reflection Journal a.k.a RJ can be a pain in the butt. But all that is still ok..but the fact that you take 5 modules per semester (ok..),change classes every semester (why?!) and the worst part the possibility of not seeing your friends again is kinda frustrating and daily grades are generally ok..mostly A's & B's..but my GPA dropped especially after my marketing UT2,(per semester we have 3 major tests..the 3rd being the most important)..The current GPA is at 3.4..Fingers crossed first sem is nothing below a 3.5..

The best part during RP's orientation programme  would be making new friends and especially JAM & HOP! That is where I danced like I was clubbing bumped into great fun people like Laanya and her guy friends and also other girls like Shamala,Prita,Amrita and Khair. Super fun..totally the ideal people to club with haha! 

Ouh how can I forget my Team 11..a.k.a Rhythm orientation group. Those people I met are fun..I'm not naming people..but there are some people that I honestly don't wanna see again..sorry for sounding like a spoilt brat who is super picky with my friends but..I don't really like to surround myself with 2-faced-people..too much drama! Not subtle enough for me to handle! Haha anw..regardless it was nice knowing everyone.

So now..I'm gonna talk abt my beautiful class..the 25 of us..out of which 24 are girls.. I've grown so close to them. They've seen me go thru ups & downs..crazy antics and mischievous mayhem.

The class clown..the funny super HORNAY Rau..&..thanks babe for the sweet card..

My marketing teammates, we are Team PHour for 15 weeks! Wei Ling is missing from this pic..cuz she's the one who was taking the pic..(from the left: the bitchy yet sweet Nurul, the one who laughs at literally everything I say, Afiqah, and the smartest girl in class,Shi Hui)

The 4 CRAZZZY babes..Fazeerah,the hip hopper, Charmaine,the delicate voice, Lina,the dark horse and Nuriah a.k.a Cwispy closest RP Babe..this pic was taken during our orientation..known her since CCKSS..such a dah-ling! <3<3<3

Lynette..babe, you aren't fat. You're beautiful! Stop being an anorexic,we all care for you.

Ashkin,love her dad's'll find the right just takes time,be patient

My beautiful Farah a.k.a Princess Parah! You're a really beautiful person..both on the outside and on the inside..for your high'll find your Mr.Right soon..don't rush.

Fitri..a cute fudgeball with an envious relationship of 5 years..last long Ms.Arab

The one whom I have most nicknames for..Wani..Wawa S,Siren,Vanellope..such and adorable babe with the most interesting relationship..I'll support you all the you The Next Queen B! 

Fellow Hooker..hehehe Azlinah

The one with the next Pixie Lott voice..Huda haha also known as HEWda

The IT expert..Jeanny..

The CRAZY CUTE CAT lover..who can BAKE & COOK real well!!! She's none other than Haziqah

My Perfect class..sorry I didn't manage to take a pic with all of you'll like Shahirah,Jake, Amanda, Joanna,Michelle..I still love each and everyone one of you guys..

Marketing, Hospitality & Tourism Management, Effective Communication, Cofnitive Processes & Problem Solving and Mathematics were joyful to learn thanks to our facis..Mr Ong,Ms Soh,Mr Kang,Ms Neo & Mr Kang..& ofcourse our legendary class of 25!

I do hope we do keep in touch!
The pizza party, Jeanny and Atikah being my shoe designers when my sandal broke, all of our outrageous dance PARTAY like gentleman and all..good memories..I would not forget them.. I know a way to ENSURE I see y'all next Jan..hehehe #sneakylilfarhana

Till then..hugs and kisses to all my fellow RP RP girl I'd actually like to meet would be Asyiha..she participated in this years' TNPNF,has a blog and is part of GushCloud! Haha me and my weird fetishes..

Wedding tmr..argh! So much of work to get done..and my dance performance with my sisters,cuzzies and the bridesmaids. We'll see how it goes..tmr..ABAYA & gold headpiece and all..going all Egyptian,Arabian & Persian. 

Next year..I'll be in this yellow outfit..for my cousin bro's going all Miss Universe..yay?!

A few selfies of me on the way to Tekka with my sisters..tiring journey..they made me be their fashion critic..didn't end up doing my work..guess Sunday I shall drill myself with work! 

A close up shot..I ain't got a flawless skin..well..sorry!

Trying to go all close smiley..

My Bimbotic Pose (ouh yea this is Raihan's top)

A pretty Prada looking bag..that's actually a Maroon bag from Charles & Keith..I was at the backseat seated like royalty when Fazilah was driving the rented car.

One last pic okay..haha
My ootd for My cousin sis 34th you loads Waheedah! And yea went all high bun..

It's 1.30am..I'm really exhausted..I can't believe I'm still at redhill..please..lets just leave..before I knock out..nytes!!!!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Modelling Journey...

“The secret to modeling is not being perfect. What one needs is a face that people can identify in a second. You have to be given what’s needed by nature, and what’s needed is to bring something new.” ― Karl Lagerfield-

Ever since I was a kid, modelling has always been my passion. I also wanted to take up fashion designing (which was why my first choice for the poly course selection was Temasek Polytechnic's Apparel Design & Merchadising)..Although I am thanking all my lucky stars that I did not end up there as I may not have liked it.. I have participated in several modelling competitions and even modeled for several people. Throughout this journey, I have met amazing people and cherish the experience I have encountered.

In 2011, I got a Facebook message from my friend Waanie inviting me to participate in the Elite Model Look. I honestly had no idea Singapore actually had Elite! O.O! I was super stoked. With much convincing with my mum, I brought a pair of heels and went down to Ion. In the end Waanie didn't turn up (Probably because she did not meet the height requirement for Elite which was a minimum of 170cm).

I know a lot of Singaporeans would complain saying that this is not fair as Asians espeacially Singaporean girls are majority in the height range of 150-165. But the thing is Elite is an international modelling agency and moreover it is the top modelling agency as the world's top earning model Giselle Bundchen who earns $42 million is from that prestigious agency. (Modelling don't come easy..moreover definitely not in Singapore)

I made a few friends..some made it to the finals with their looks and catwalking ability. (I was surprised that I made it to the semi-finals although it was my first time strutting..On the bonus part I was the only Indian haha) There were only about 2 Singaporean Chinese girls and 1 China Chinese girls who made it to the finals (top 12) the rest were all mixed blood. Some girls participated in this competition as they were on their holidays. After this, they went back to their countries like Germany & Texas.

The girls I befriended..the nicer less bitchier ones haha

The Jovial Aimee

Gorgeous Cazmir
I've always wanted to name my daughter
(when I have one Cazmir..after meeting her I thought maybe Cazmira)

The FUN Debra

The Gurl with the Dreadlocks Diana

Sultry Eden

Our "Jie Jie" as she was the oldest at 23,Erika

Part Persian, Part Arab, Barbie Doll Farah

 The winner, Fiona! (she deserved it^v^)

 Sweet Fionuella
 Amaze-Ballz Georgia

Country-Gal Jacklyn

Known for the longest hair, Jess

The feisty one, Jessica

 Part Chinese, Part Indonesian, Jesslyn

 The first girl I made friends with, Josie

 The girl who rocked all her Tats & Piercings,Petrina
(she also made it to Supermodel Me)

 The only other 15-year old, Praveena

 The determined one, Rach

The most Gorgeous Eyes,Ruby

The one who is always sleepy, Clarice

The tallest one amongst us, Esther Lynn who's 187cm

The one who has tonnes of modelling experience, Amelie

The 3 Musketeers, Rachel, Louise & Mikaela

The Best Runway Walk, Maddie

The classy & elegant one, Maxine

The part African-American & Part Malay girl 
who has a rather strong Minah accent..hahaha, Bianca

These were the pretty ladies I met through my Elite Journey..

I was offered a contract by Elite. My mum being the traditional mum (who thinks modelling = nudity just like Sakthiish..haish) did not sign I technically "threw" my contract away and lost a HUGE opportunity to have been in the modelling industry..

Well, everything happens for a reason right?

In my next blog..I'll talk about my modelling journey, the 2nd part..hehehe

High School

 Life as a CCKSian..yes I was from Chua Chu Kang Sec

 The experience I had in CCKSS was amazing. Yes, my teachers did help me academically and all..(like Mr Melvin Kong, Mr Loy PP, Mr Rick Chan, Ms Cindy Low,Ms Low Hui Shan, ,The OM,Mr Haniffa,The VP, Mr Steven Tay, Mr Zhang,Mr Lui Meng Whye..etc) But honestly, most of them were nice teachers but no one really shaped me..throughout a child's teenage years, the people that really shape them would be his or her friends.

I was surrounded by this lovely group of people. I had many friends..sadly popularity struck me again when I stood up to this step ah-beng lost me my position as a prefect, but I knew what I did was right..His behavior was unacceptable. The way he treated teachers, cleaners and his peers. I did not fight him of course. HELL NO! I would've gotten punched so hard, I would not have been able to complete my O's. All I did was talk to him nicely. (He was so taken aback as the people who usually talk to him are the ones who start a fight or 3/4 of the school is to afraid to even go anywhere near him). Losing my title was nothing as after this incident, I apparently placed myself in a very safe zone. (my friends talked to me, random people did..okay..but the gangsters did not pick on me at all. When my friend wanted to drink from the water cooler..this guy,Nabil, who got suspended for bashing a guy up in the toilet,shoved her. But when I was queuing up behind, he called me over to let me drink..kinda weird tbh.)

After being deemed as a "popular" kid in pri and sec school, I decided I wanted to lay really low in poly. And that's exactly what I'm doing..I kinda like it..but that is for another blog..hehe, okok now back to my friends.

The Clique..Feroz was doing his AVA stuff 
and Sing Yi insisted on taking the pic.

I had this really close group of friends but my closest is of course FarhanaH and Michelle.

My Bestie FarhanaH yea I spell 
her name with a capital H

QTPIE Richgal SingYi

The Gorgeous Michelle

The Handsome Feroz

 Uber PartyHouse Afiq

The Muscular Thiha

This babe..I stopped her from doing something really stupid..& 
ever since we've became pretty close..Jin Yi a.k.a. Jeany Quack!

The Class Clown Herman

The Annoying Allson (Kidding Ally)

The SUPERB voice Reizlynn

Shahira & Afifah..we used to be closer in lower sec along
with Annisaa' (taking the picture) & then the 3 had problems..they part 
ways, but I still keep in touch with them. 
(Come on babes, don't let a petty fight ruin 4 years of friendship)

Sangeetha!! Sweety was fixing my bikini 
at Sentosa Beach after she pulled the string..

The Artistic Soulful Lesley..who is super witty & sarcastic

My Fav Bimbo..Cayce

Shankar, Ami & Eamon with their friend Veggie Boy

Being retarded (as usual). I miss these days..especially when FarhanaH, Michelle & I took over the playground and the swings..we did so many CRAZY things in school..I miss you both dearly..I hope we can meet up pretty soon (They are in PJC & have busy scedules..:'l ) I have planned a surprise party for FarhanaH and Feroz 18th..Thank God Michelle is coming too!!! I can't wait to see them!!! Soo many stories to share.. HEART SHAPES ALL OVER FOR YOU BABES!

We have been through tears, sweat, blood (no joke) and even you guys have endured me fainting and all..I will always love y'all and treasure the beautiful yet rather peculiar memories we share.

Our fav game,Catch It In Yo Mouth..( we were throwing and catching grapes)

The Best Night Of My Life..2012 Graduating Prom!

In my clique, none of us were in a relationship, so we decided to go as a group. We thought it'd be weird but even from most classes, people went as groups! Shahira won for Prom Queen! You go Girl! And Luqman for Prom King..congratz (although we were rooting for Herman and Feroz). The ladoes kicked their heels and we shook what our mama's gave us like mad! We Worked It! The dancefloor was sadly only for an hour..(hardcore club music..set fire to thr rain and titanium all ended with EWAK EWAK EWAK in the chorus..) Best Part, Sing Yi's mum booked us a room at Resorts World and she, Michelle, Thiha and I stayed for a night..the next day we wanted to go to USS..but it was too expensive..we ended up roaming around and even played the Luge!After that, swimming and pool at Sing Yi's condo..well..that's all for now!

LOVE Y'ALL MY 1/4,2/4,3,7 & 4/7 babies..... CATCH UP SOON OKIE?!