Adventures Of Hana

Adventures Of Hana

Monday, September 16, 2013

Bonding at Al Ameen X Nini's 17th


I went there with my sisters on Friday night for dinner (where I had delicious spicy Maggie Goreng and Tea Tarik) and we sat there for like 3 hours straight talking about Fazilah's upcoming 21st, our lives, catching up (because we were really busy previously,especially me because of my poly life and UTs etc...). Anyways, it was a really nice outing.

Zizi & her antics!

Before I met them I met Sakthiish in RP where he was studying with Suraj. It was nice on the way from RP to Al Ameen (for those of you who do not know where is Al-Ameen, it is at Marsling at it sells the BEST Mutton Briyani!). Raihan was in a good mood that day as earlier on she even bought me a Barbie Box!

My Barbie Surprise Box!

I even got a delicious lollipop, cards, stickers and even a pretty bracelet!

Yup, this is me with utterly no make-up on

I am totes going to rebond my hair in like the first week
 of January..but I have to bear like 3 more months!!!

Sharlini's 17th Surprise!

So, yeap. Sharlini's birthday. It was on the 14th (Saturday) but we couldn't celebrate it with her as she had other family plans. So we decided to be "busy" and act like there's not going to be a celebration and surprised her on Sunday with her gifts ( The cake, pizzas, card, photo-frame, bag and wallet) and all!

I'll let the pictures do the talking.


Went all girly and feline for the party!

Kitty Cute Pose!

Her cake! Yeap, the "tray" was the Pizza Lid from Domino's..that's right, we got Pizza!!! 

I just had to add the "F" & the "U" to make it look more Gangsta! Haha

Another dare where Fariz "Broke Up" with me!!!

The day really went well. We all got hungry and it was getting late. Sharlini and Aby needed to meet their mum for dinner. So we all left..

The photoshoot wasn't done yet Haha

Yup! My adorable lil sister came along and hang out my friends!


Ouh, I went home with a Wonder Woman card thanks to Dalan! Yay! She's a total Badass

Besides the fact that I had blisters and my skin peeling because of my was good. A really amazing day! And I do hope my babe, Sharlini, had a wonderful time.

Raihan, bought me a happy meal and I got a pony which I gave to Fariz, like I said before he was a pony guy..well if it had been a Plushie, I would've gone CRAZAY! 


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