Yea you heard first Jalan Raya!
To think that I am 17 years old and then only am given a chance to go for Jalan Raya..
My OOTD for that day..Kebaya and sarong
Bag from Charles & Keith
Got the wavy curls from tying up my hair in a bun, fast & effective was SUPER FUN & AWESOME! So much drama! Hahaha
Soo..what happened was, I had H&T module (the last lesson for the semester! WOOHOO! But it's also rather sad, but I'll talk about the RP system next time..) after which my babes (Yep, a class of 24/25 babes alright ;p) and I rushed to our houses,changed and prepared for the embarking of Jalan Raya.. We only went 7 houses out of the 12 people who came. My mum said I can't show my babes my room :'(.
From Woodlands, we went ALL THE WAY to Simei to Faz's house! Her dad was so cool & sweet as he made spaghetti for us..AWWWW and there was FRIED Chicken! Yummmmzzzzz
We did a mistake though..we underestimated the time..and stayed longer then expected which caused a HUGE problem in which I'll tell later on..
Next, we went to a house..did I say house? I meant a mansion, no wait a PALACE @ Pasir Ris. This was Farah's house..
Delicious Rainbow Cake #mmdap
We really spent a massive amount of time in this gorgeous place!Sad that we didn't rampage Farah's room!!!We camwhored, made music covers (we even strutted down the street to Beyonce's Crazy in Love), I was supposed to sent a recording to Sakthiish but..I accidentally sent Love on Top to our friends' group..ARGH! So embarrasing! CZY even said we sounded like drunk gals..well kinda hahaha
Next..Sengkang to Afiqah's house. The trip..the utmost dramatic journey. I was already exhausted by then..I can last shopping the entire of Orchard but died for Jalan Raya..Well there's always a time to experience something new. Nuriah broke her shoes, borrowed from Faz's mum, ended up struggling as the pain was finally kicking in. She ended up clawing on to me and stumbling. We ran for the buses multiple times.Heels clattering, girls stumbling, lots o giggling in the bus! Haha
Afiqah's mum made us Beehoon! SEDAP to the MAX! Ouh yeah, I ate a lot that enough to feed a country and I had no mineral water at all, all the houses served fizzy drinks..I experienced side effects today, my voice became quite soar..
After Sengkang..we ran for another bus as it was getting pretty late..Wani slipped and nearly fell off a flight of stairs at the overhead bridge. The journey was long as the next stop was 2 houses at woodlands..We went to Huda's house where her mum also cooked Beehoon for us (or as Rau would like to call it Mee Birthday as malays usually make it all the time for birthdays). HEWda went all bitchy and diva with her mum, So funny! We had to rush off next to Haziqah's house.
Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese made by Haziqah...
We indulged in this and not so much kuehs as her mum made Mee Bandung! ZOMG! I just can't! Too many good food in 1 day! Heheheh..Haziqah had 2 gorgeous cats which were way less fatter than Farah's! They were so feline elegant! Haha! But yea I'm serious..We didn't get to manje the cats for long as next house was at BPP..
My most closest babe in RP,Atikah! I've known her since CCKSS! Who knew she would've ended up being in the same course and moreover same class! Sad that this would be the last day..hopefully not! We went over, her mum made the most delicious chicken nuggets, hotdogs and seaweed chicken. We were so glad no heavy food cuz we were really full! Atikah is the only one who has been to my house and seen my room so I asked her if she could show me hers..she did Yay! There was a pic of her when she was 12..already so pretty at such a tender age! Atikah's brothers were there, the girls couldn't stop drooling at her 2nd bro. I must admit he was kinda cute and handsome but I kinda felt bad that I didn't turn and give him a second look..ouh well.
Atikah's dad was our savior, he drove all of us in his mini-bus to Fitri's house. Our last house and..we reached there only at 11.15pm! lllO.Olll ! We had another round of spaghetti, but this time the sauce was spicy and nice! And the fried chicken drumsticks (I prefer drumsticks over wings any day!) were simply marvelous. Her house was so chic in a rather Arabian theme. I wish we could've stayed longer but it was getting pretty late. Atikah's dad sent the woodlands people to woodlands MRT while the people who lived at the East waited for their parents to pick them up.
It was time to say our byes :'(
I hugged every one of the babes..teared as the memory of the first semester, 15 unforgettable weeks of being with them changed my life. They were the people were the ones who gave me advises when problems cropped up..I'll really miss them all! I do hope we can keep in touch please really keep in touch..
Otw home, I walked with Huda, then messaged my over-protective, caring, paranoid boyfriend..I was walking so normal until I realized I was being stalked. A guy followed me all the way to near my block..(creepy much?!) and when I turned around, he snapped a pic and walk away.
Oh I almost forgot to add, I reached home before 1.30am!!! My fam got really paranoid and worried ..although they vented it on me a different way..but yea..haish,no more late nights any time soon for's not like I'm a clubber or like now and prolly my hols, I'll try to make it a point to be back home by 9..unless something Major Crops Up..kekekeke
Till then..BUH-BYE..and to end of this blog..some pics of us..The Pretty Princesses..chey!
After seeing this, I can't wait to get myself a Polaroid Camera!!!
Step KEWT Je!
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