2014 is a big year for me!
There are oh so many things that I want to do, places I want to see, items I want to buy and so on...the list is seriously endless.
It's been a while since I had last blogged as my UTs are coming up, the 2nd one and I really am going to make sure I perform better for this. There is also module selection starting tomorrow! Yep, it's only like 2 weeks to this month and I'm already crammed with tonnes of things to do!!!!
Well, here are just some things in which I am saving up for (for the span of this year actually) to give myself a little treat and to embrace the new 18! #LEGAL18
The main thing I do want really badly is the Samsung NX1000 in Pink.
Here's a picture of it:
I mean just look at it!!!! I can totally picture myself taking beautiful pictures as I travel around the world with this precious item! I want it so bad, but this will have to take some time as it retails for like $800! I don't have that kind of money and all I can do is slowly save up and purchase it perhaps during an IT fair or something.
Next, it's a very important thing!!! I'm 18 right? Finally I can get my license!!! There's a small problem though, I do not know if the 1996 batch can take it at 18 or 21. I am really hoping it's 18! I want to officially get my license by the end of 2014. So for that, I'd have to save up too!
A few other small things would be like a Dreamcatcher, Eyebrow pencil, some albums like Rihanna's etc...and most definitely plushies!
I have got my eye on this really adorable unicorn!
It just screams "AAAAAWWWWWWWWW"
I have no clue where to get one though. :/
This can wait..haha
I want to get myself some Victoria's Secret Perfume..
In love with Noir Tease, which has a sexy vanilla tinge to it and Bombshell Forever which has a playful fruity touch to it.
I wanna save up for ice-skating too! Yep it's about $20 but hey, it's still the process of saving! Maybe I'll go with my sisters or perhaps friends depending on who wants to go.
The next item may sound ridiculous to y'all..but I want to show y'all a pic first (Don't Judge Me HAHA)
These are as y'all know Polaroid cameras. I want to get the really fancy ones and stuff but then I thought about it and realized that they all kind of print out the same images. And moreover as I am investing more on the Digital Camera with flash and all, I'll save up for this but get the one that cost less than a 100 bucks.
This next item, I may or may not get it this year as I have been searching high and low for this.
It's simply a scrapbook. I don't want the typical ones with a black cover and colored paper inside like the ones they sell in popular. the cover has to be nice, simple even. As I will design the cover to my liking. But the inside, I want it something similar to this. SUPER THICK and MANY PAGES so I can really maximize the usage and also a lil "dirty" so it gives off the vintage vibe. People who know me well enough will know why I want such a book. To keep it short & sweet, for memories and also for planning, ideas & inspiration.
Next, what I can only hope for are CAKES! HAHAHA
Rainbow cakes and velvet cakes..
The one I'm literally dying to wanna get is a Pink Velvet Cake. I have been asking around. From Family, to Friends, to Cousins and so on. None of them seem to know where I can buy a Pink Velvet Cake from. I even went all cray cray and googled it. Much to my dismay, I don't think Singapore has it and if it does, apparently I'm not that a good stalker. So what I can do if all else fails is bake I guess..but that'll take time, money and effort! HAHA laziness at it's best. Well its o #1 on my cravings list and if there is no choice, I'll actually bake it!!
I've also decided to give myself a little gift for the-soon-to-be 18.
I've placed an order for this beautiful necklace! It was under $20 so I'm a very happy girl and I cannot wait to receive this!!!Hehehe
I also managed to lay my hands on the Feb issue of Teen Vogue!
Now only left with 1 more magazine which is the Feb issue of Cosmopolitan!
I know I should probably be excited and all about me turning 18, it's something to look forward to. It's like the 2nd most important birthday celebration for a girl! But to be honest, this time, it just feels like any other ordinary day. I'm having UT2 (In fact I've got a UT, a day after my "big day"),I won't be able to see my Secondary School friends some of which I have not been able to see them for over a year and all..
Well if you guys think this is some sort of a Wish List blog, y'all are so wrong. I'm merely sharing about what I'm looking forward to this year like my license and all and also what I'm saving up for.
Also, I am starting this thing every month where I put aside money to save up to travel. Once I've accumulated enough and have the time and company to go with, I'll travel. I am so in need of some relaxation time with now being such a stressful period. My first UT2 starts tomorrow and it ends at the end of this month. If you think I can breathe then, you're so wrong!
During CNY, I'll be in my room studying and preparing and so on as in a matter of weeks it'll be UT3!!! The MOST important UT! So, Good luck to me I guess?
I do hope all goes well this month, this year and in fact from now on.
P.S: Unicorns RULE!
Thanks for reading guys!
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